Welcome, you came to the right site. First you need a good place to hunt, and it sounds like you live there. Second, you need to become familiar with your detector and it`s features. May I suggest laying out a test coarse. Put out some good stuff (coins, rings), and some junk (pull tabs, nails, foil, crushed aluminum cans). Have your manual handy (print out). Now sweep each item, and see how your detector reacts. Start out sweeping 1-2" above items, then make some sweeps a little higher. Keep raising your coil and sweeping until you loose the signal. This will give you some idea of your detectors range (not perfect, but some idea). You may want to make some adjustment to your detector to eliminate some of the junk. Then sweep items again to see how adjustments affected your detector. Third, you need to practice. Hit the beach and help them clean up the trash (pull tabs, etc....). Dig up every strong and repeatable signal, because good stuff can look like a pull tab. I am not familiar with your model detector, but I like to set my detector to discriminating mode, sensitivity 60-70, discrimination 10. Good hunting!