Simple answer to what causes it... anything you have discriminated out. Which for most of us includes 90 percent iron and EMI. Anytime you pass over a disc out target your coil will detune and go null or blank to the threshold sound. Thats why most of us run a very low threshold. This allows the weak deep targets to break the threshold. It also allows us to recheck those targets for good targets close to the one disc. To help in this we may need to reduce our sensitivity so we dont pick up deep iron, reduce our gain, open our disc up, or even run in FAST recovery. When you go over a disc target its like squeezing a sponge, you coil halo swinks... then recovery must happen. When that does, and its not as slow as most believe between targets, it will recognize the next target. So ya you are in null... but you are also in recovery. Yes i get some great targets during null or detuneing. Thats my 2 cents on it.