New member
Got to hunt on a "virgin" piece of property last Friday. It is an old homestead that a German family lived in years ago. It is right smack dab in the middle of a wheat field. Its about a half acre of land that is covered in beautiful tall oak trees. The entire piece of property is littered with old red bricks and as far as metal is concerned, not alot of trash iron. I hunted for about 4 hours straight before I got my first "real" coin signal and look what popped out. I was hunting with my wife's uncle and we were getting pretty discouraged that we had not found anything yet. About 15 minutes before I found the coin he said, "if we do find something it will be old". There was not even one clad coin out there and definitely no pull-tabs. Cant wait to go back. This is my oldest coin yet and my first Barber quarter. And by how wore out it is, I bet it could tell us some stories! Enjoy.