Hi just a few thoughts on programs for all multi frequency metal detectors ,the facts!!!,what ever you program in, you program some thing out, those who know about resonance frequency formula will understand , different metals and size of items, be a coin a ring will give a different signals , well we all know that don't we.
I have used an Explorer II, for the last five years here in the UK , and the difference between the SE and Etrac apart from the price, is that you can download
programs to the Etrac and the SE has minimal faster recovery whats that all about, I detect a field that I know is heavily Romanised but it was used prior to WW2 as a range as is full of 303 cases and bullet heads, pain in the arse , if I program out cases or the bullets I will loose bronze coins.
On the beach cancel out pull tabs and loose small gold rings, it go,s on and on,so I don't bother with any programs, and there are many others over here in the UK
that do the same.
You will loose depth if you program , you will gain depth if you search in all metal, and then press Iron mask when you get a target, you can try all this when you air test,I still use iron mask my self just a couple of bars, give it a try, out in the field, press select then clear all programs , noise cancel, sens manual adjust to suit,
as high as you can, if it gets noisy turn it down a few notches , threshold as low as possible ,you still hear a good signal even it you have no threshold, best to have head phones with volume control.
What you have is a 28 so called frequency's undiluted working the ground for you, I am sorry to tell you I have found more using this system than messing about with so called programs, I don't have to look at the screen I know by the sounds when I am over a good target, as you guys do.have what ever sounds you prefer be it Fer or Con you can still use Deep or Quick , be nice to get some feed back on this , good hunting ....................Pete