Spent most of the evening sorting, cleaning and adding up all my loot which has mostly been deposited in the bank a while back. I can only comment that metal detecting is a hobby which continues to constantly give. What you get is $$$, health, gold, silver, friends, knowledge and many other benefits.
Here's the rings......probably 50% on land and 50% in the water. I used the Garrett at Pro, the AT Gold and the Infinium this year.
No civil wars in my area, but I do get some oldies from the 1800's and interesting vintage finds. It's fun to me.
Lots of tags in parks and river valley. Mostly from dogs, but there were a lot of coal mines around, which might account for the number tags.
A nice bunch of tokens were found this year. Sometimes tokens can be very valuable. I managed to score a couple of free cat washes this year.
By the time all my math calculations were completed, my favorite snack was done. I managed to produce 5 LBS of jerky. My whole family loves it!