First of all, when hunting, find any fairly deep target. Or bury a small piece of tinfoil say 1/2" x 1/2" a couple of inches in the ground. Make sure you are not discriminating it out. Now swing your coil over the target, your usual speed and start raising the coil until the sound stops. Now........speed up the swing speed, and notice how much louder and higher the target reads. Now repeat this scenario, at even faster speeds. You will find that eventually the faster speeds will start to make the target sound shallow again with less audio. Keep experimenting until you find the speed which gives you the most depth. Try and remember this speed or rhythm. It will give you extra depth in areas where you may want it. You don't need to use this fast swing speed at all times, as it will wear you out, and if there are no known targets DEEP in the ground, it is not necessary.
From many hours experience, this technique works very well using a smaller coil like the 4 1/2 inch sniper coil or the 5" x 8" new DD coil for the AT Series, which I hope will eventually be made available for other existing Garrett lines. Swinging a smaller coil gives you better accuracy in tight areas, especially in the woods so you don't whack it against trees or rocks, while at the same time not tiring you out due to it's less weight. end up covering a lot more ground in a given time, while getting better depth and sensitivity.
Works for me!
Good luck and I hope your good finds increase even more.
From many hours experience, this technique works very well using a smaller coil like the 4 1/2 inch sniper coil or the 5" x 8" new DD coil for the AT Series, which I hope will eventually be made available for other existing Garrett lines. Swinging a smaller coil gives you better accuracy in tight areas, especially in the woods so you don't whack it against trees or rocks, while at the same time not tiring you out due to it's less weight. end up covering a lot more ground in a given time, while getting better depth and sensitivity.
Works for me!

Good luck and I hope your good finds increase even more.