The video does a great job demonstrating the two modes but there are those that make purchase selections based on air tests which I have always felt were unrealistic. There are several detectors that can do some impressive things in air yet fail in the ground. The Impact does offer the user a wide range of options to dial it into a specific site but it is not perfect . . . still waiting for that perfect detector to be built - works great in all areas and for all targets
I try to have people try a specific detector they are interested in buying in their area or at least get feedback from someone as close to them as possible to see how it performs for their type of hunting and in their type of ground.
A detector that would have been ideal for relic hunting in the red clay of Tennessee where we lived would not be the detector of choice here in SE Michigan for someone that was planning on coin hunting in urban parks. If people view the air test / targets laying on the ground as a demo of the function rather than performance, they serve their purpose well.
Nice job on the video though . . . thanks for the information.
Andy Sabisch