...Has been hectic lately...with almost being flooded out last week;to my plantar fasciitis flaring up again;hhavent felt much like posting...SO,IM BACK AGAIN....I have a 3rd shift foreman where I work-Seems he has a family member that lost a wedding ring-Where I will be detecting in a few weeks...it sounds like he wants me to put my life on hold;to look for this ring...almost 40 miles;each way;there and back from my house....I feel bad for him;but believe me;it is a HUGE area;and just runnin out there for an hour aint gonna find it..AND;I am making plans to go down to that private beach club somewhere near Detroit-I mailed the owner a letter today to see if I can get in there toward the end of September....The last time we were down there visiting;the owner told me about a woman that lost her wedding ring in the H2O...All it will cost me is gas down there and back-125 miles aech way from my house(good thing my camper is paid for-if I had a camper payment I would not be able to afford the trip-LORD only knows how much gas will be by then)...