I bought a new digital camera to post some of the pictures here,and---IT WONT WORK!!!i HAVE WINDOWS XP,IT SAID IN THE INSTRUCTIONS I WOULD NOT HAVE TO INSTALL ANYTHING....That is what it says when I put the cd that came with the camera in the hard drive,anyway.I hook it up like the instructions say,the cable to the hard drive from the camera-the camera goes dead,and there is a message on the camera screen that says ONE MOMENT.Thats all that happens.....my wife is the computer genius here,and SHE cant figure it out.To make matters worse;she takes it to her work,hooks it up like the instructions say,and it works like its supposed to.CAN SOMEBODY HELP ME???IM COMPLETELY BROKE UP OVER THIS-ABOUT TO GO OFF THE DEEP END!!!!Ok;not really-it IS a little irritating,though.I thought I would consult with the experts out there;instead of throwin it thru the door......No,not that either.....