Wader,the Avenger meter is going to plug into your Sovereign control box.The coil cable is going to plug into the Avenger meter.The Avenger meter requires a nine volt battery to operate.To change the battery remove the four very small screws holding the plastic back plate on.Once the back cover is removed there is a white plastic pot this requires a small screw driver very slight turn on this pot to calibrate the meter to read 180 with a US Quarter.This meter is very stable and may not need to be re calibrated unless you use a different size coil.Even though this is a 180 meter and similar to the Sunray nickles will read higher 148-150.Big advantage this meter will give you a lot of extra depth with a wiggle target lock-on.Make sure you mount the V clip straight and the meter is in a good line of sight.The Avenger is a great meter but has one problem,in very bright sun light the meter will blank out but will fade back in once taken to shade.This is a great 180 meter.I hope this helps. HH Ron