First, your own yard. You would be surprised. My first Mercury dime I found about 50 yards
away from my house in the yard under an old oak tree. Check with your city councilman, chief
of police etc. for ordinances in city parks in towns close to you. any old house that is abandoned.
Get permission first. Here in SC, it's open season on city parks, unless an ordinance has been passed
and I have yet to find one. County property is good especially in old school locations that have been
abandoned, county parks and rec. centers, fairgrounds, any public place. the best location I have ever
run across was a campground and the beach located next to it. It's there. You can't be shy. You know
going in you have a 50/50 chance, a smile and good word and a show of respect for their town and it's
parks and the mention of a name that they can relate to such as your county or city councilman
also helps. Just don't blow in and say, "I want to dig in your park but I promise not to hurt anything."
I actually invited the police chief of a park I recently hunted to come out and watch how my new CTX
worked and how it's advanced technology allowed me to dig a hole no larger than a coin. Don't argue
but don't take no for a generic answer unless they throw a city ordinance at you. Be respectful, clean up
behind yourself, and most importantly, try to go when the park is at it's slowest time of day as far as others
being there.