I'm a "novice" detectorist - been using an XS for just about a year now. I believe I've gotten pretty good at using it and certainly have the basics down. I have a good variety of coils and I'm absolutely in love with the X-1 Probe.
The problem is I bought a White's DFX last year and it's finding a nice place in my heart too - if only I could get an X-1 probe for it <IMG SRC="/forums/images/smile.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="">
I do have a question - how do you ML "experts" identify the target. On the White's, I've gotten pretty comforatble "knowing" when it's a Quarter/Dime/Penny and have a good guess at nickels. I'm still too lazy to put the effort into digging for rings....or maybe I've been fishing in the wrong spot.
On the XS, I can easily spot a silver...Quarters/Dimes and most pennies don't throw me (well I'm a bit rusty after a winter off - but I was good w/ it last year). I have a real problem with Nickels though. I know where the cross-hairs should show up...but a lot fits that spot on my screen.
Also, with my first outing this year - I found myself digging a lot more junk w/ the XS then w/ my DFX.
I guess I'm just looking for a few pointers to boost my confidence w/ the XS again. I love the features and the toys..but just hate junk (picked a great hobby eh?)
The problem is I bought a White's DFX last year and it's finding a nice place in my heart too - if only I could get an X-1 probe for it <IMG SRC="/forums/images/smile.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="">
I do have a question - how do you ML "experts" identify the target. On the White's, I've gotten pretty comforatble "knowing" when it's a Quarter/Dime/Penny and have a good guess at nickels. I'm still too lazy to put the effort into digging for rings....or maybe I've been fishing in the wrong spot.
On the XS, I can easily spot a silver...Quarters/Dimes and most pennies don't throw me (well I'm a bit rusty after a winter off - but I was good w/ it last year). I have a real problem with Nickels though. I know where the cross-hairs should show up...but a lot fits that spot on my screen.
Also, with my first outing this year - I found myself digging a lot more junk w/ the XS then w/ my DFX.
I guess I'm just looking for a few pointers to boost my confidence w/ the XS again. I love the features and the toys..but just hate junk (picked a great hobby eh?)