hello all, my name is ben.i live way up here in bangor maine. i thought i would introduce myself as i have been reading the post for sometime now.i have been a christian for most of my life,and i need to get back in touch with the lord.as i think that we are in the end of days.mathew 24:7 reads nation shall rise against nation, kindom against kindom, there shall be earth quakes in divers places, brother against brother,there will be wars,and the love of many shall wax cold.that really sticks with me.but anyway.i love your forum its a place i like to come to and look at the things all the treasure hunters are finding.me and my son love to go metal detecting but right now there is a couple feet of snow here in bangor maine.so i am just playing on my computer to keep myself ocupied till my favorite time of the year comes.thats when there is no snow lol.but we are hoping to get ourself a metal detector over the winter but we dont have a lot of money to spend so if any one has one that they would like to sell at a good price we would be very interested,even if it dont work.i am pretty handy with fixing things.thats why the wife keeps me around lol.well i have to get to bed its going to be a long day tomorrow as my grandson will be coming over he is two years old if that tells you anything lol.and thank you all for having this forum its my little getaway from the outside world for a while,and god bless you all.happy treasure hunting and merry christmas.ben