Found a button yesterday in my yard... First metal button I've found.
It's bronze or brass, has an American Eagle, a shield and a banner. Details are quite clear. Banner appears to have some lettering in it but I can't make it out.
The back is a little tarnished and has a small dent. There's a small metal loop and I can make out the following with a magnifying glass: "OSRTMANN on top and "Philadelphia" on the bottom.
I'm way way North of any battlefields or sites of military signifigance(western NY state) but it sure looks military.
Any clues or links for button ID?
Thank You!
It's bronze or brass, has an American Eagle, a shield and a banner. Details are quite clear. Banner appears to have some lettering in it but I can't make it out.
The back is a little tarnished and has a small dent. There's a small metal loop and I can make out the following with a magnifying glass: "OSRTMANN on top and "Philadelphia" on the bottom.
I'm way way North of any battlefields or sites of military signifigance(western NY state) but it sure looks military.
Any clues or links for button ID?
Thank You!