For comparison, your coin and a coin from the link below:
[attachment 77432 copy.jpg]
Sorry, JB, I think we have a match...
Some interesting posts about this coin at link below
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>>>Posted - 01/24/2006 : 1:45:08 PM
The one side lookes like some sort of minatar, and yes the other side apears to be a horse. Under the horse it says COPY so im guessing it is a copy of something worth copying? and above the minatar it has the letters CEAA* maybe, it is kinda hard to make them out. Thanks for having a look guys...
>>>>Posted - 02/01/2006 : 09:08:18 AM
It's a copy of a tetradrachm of the city of Gelas, ancient Sicily, c.450 BC (Seaby#789 or similar). The originals are supposed to be silver, but someone's stamped COPY on it to make doubly sure no-one would be fooled.
The bull-with-mans-face was a common motif of the coins of Gela....
>>>Posted - 03/01/2006 : 2:43:41 PM
Got one from my wifes grandma after she passed away 7 years ago at 90.
>>>Posted - 03/18/2006 : 09:09:26 AM
I have one of these coins....does anyone know a ball park value and or any other details??...
>>> Posted - 03/18/2006 : 1:19:52 PM
I have the EXACT same coin also! I searched everywhere trying to find info on it- and finally when I entered CEAA+coin I found your info.. I found mine out in my parent's woods where an old house had burned down in the early 1800's, and was later used to dump stuff in the early 1900's before we moved here in the 70's- I'm pretty sure mine is at least as old as being from the early 1900's. I'm thrilled to see another one out there! Neat!...
>>>Posted - 05/24/2006 : 12:12:44 AM
These must be pretty common....I have one also. Am also curious if it has any value. About when and where were they made and by whom?...
>>>Posted - 05/24/2006 : 01:43:32 AM
Well, lots of these things seem to have turned up. I guess that means it's safe to say these aren't rare and valuable.
They seem to have been around for awhile, too. I think Book's theory, that these were given out with invitations to parties, to use as entry passes, is interesting and feasible. It sounds vaguely mysterious, exotic and secretive and I can see that sort of thing having some appeal to bored "high-class" people in times past.
How much would they be worth today? A couple of dollars, I'd guess. Maybe a little more, if the story behind their manufacture and use can be determined for certain.<<<<
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