I have not been on here much, mostly looking. Every time I start to get on something always comes up. I have sold many detectors the last two weeks
was slow till Dec 1
In Fact I had to order more in from Tenn, I only have 7 detectors in the place. I normally have 20 or more.
Hey Dog Face, I got my Christmas Card from Mike but you have to remember something
: I live a few more miles alway than you
I should get the coin soon
I have all your pray request in my prayers. Hope to get back on here soon. I have to go do my Sales Tax Return for November how, its due by the 20th of the month
God Bless

Hey Dog Face, I got my Christmas Card from Mike but you have to remember something

I have all your pray request in my prayers. Hope to get back on here soon. I have to go do my Sales Tax Return for November how, its due by the 20th of the month

God Bless