Randy Cosner
New member
First of all I would like to apologize to everyone for not posting in the last 7 months or so. I have had a lot of turmoil in my life the last few months and had kind of walked away from all that have cared for me and helped me in the past. I have missed all of you and you have always been on my mind. I need to tell you a little about what has gone on in my life so you know where my head has been.
Well in March of this year I got an early morning phone call from the City Police. As most you remember I am a Detective for the Sheriffs Office. I was expecting to get called out on a case or something. Well it was Dispatch informing me that my 17 year old son had just been arrested and that I needed to come down to the Jail and pick him up. When I got there I learned that he has been sneaking out at night and running with a friend of his and stealing bikes. The police caught him that night after a foot pursuit. He ended up being charged with six misdemeanors. Well as you can imagine this hit me and my wife real hard. He ended up pleading guilty to all six counts and was put on probation for one year.
Now in May I ended up having a real tough time at work. In a 14 day period I ended up investigating three juvenile deaths. All where separate incidents and all were accidental in nature, but it took a toll on me mentally. Six days after the last investigation I was hospitalized and went into emergency surgery for a ruptured bowel. I found out I had dyberticulosis and had a polyp get infected and rupture through the intestine. I spent a week in the hospital, and then three weeks as an out patient. The Doctor said that it was caused by stress. Now what would I have been stressed about
. I lost 33 pounds and had to change my diet.
I was able to return to work in July. My second week back to work I had to investigate a death a a 25 year old man that had been cutting on a tank full of ethanol. As you can imagine what happened when the flame of the torch ignited the fumes in the 25,000 gallon tank. Two weeks after that I investigated another death caused by fire. I kept asking myself why this is all happening to me.
In August I found out the my son had again been sneaking out of the house and causing problems. He had been doing it ever since he was put on probation. I had to make the decision of moving him to his Grandmothers house out of the area. Now he is mad at me for doing that and will have nothing to do with me. I can say that that since he has been gone there is a lot less stress at home. I still pray that he will get right with the Lord and get on the right path.
So as you can see I have had a rough last few months. I had walked away from the Lord during this time, though not completely, but enough where I thought I would never be able to come back to the Lord. I kept thinking to myself, why is God letting this happen to me and my family. Why is all this hitting me all at once. I finally had to admit to my self that I was trying to do all these things myself. Trying to make everything better myself. I was not asking God or letting God take my problems away. I was not giving them completely to God and having faith in him. I was not praying to him about my problems. I know that God would never give me more that I can handle. This was his wake up call to me but I kept on hitting the snooze button
Well I have finally realize that I can't do it by myself and I have been giving it to the Lord. I still have two issues at work that I have given to the Lord and ask that you pray that God's will be done and that I continue to give it all to God.
Again I apologize for not posting and walking away from this wonderful forum. I know that the power of prayer is unbelievable and I ask for your prayers in all that has happened in the last few months.
You Christian Brother,
Well in March of this year I got an early morning phone call from the City Police. As most you remember I am a Detective for the Sheriffs Office. I was expecting to get called out on a case or something. Well it was Dispatch informing me that my 17 year old son had just been arrested and that I needed to come down to the Jail and pick him up. When I got there I learned that he has been sneaking out at night and running with a friend of his and stealing bikes. The police caught him that night after a foot pursuit. He ended up being charged with six misdemeanors. Well as you can imagine this hit me and my wife real hard. He ended up pleading guilty to all six counts and was put on probation for one year.
Now in May I ended up having a real tough time at work. In a 14 day period I ended up investigating three juvenile deaths. All where separate incidents and all were accidental in nature, but it took a toll on me mentally. Six days after the last investigation I was hospitalized and went into emergency surgery for a ruptured bowel. I found out I had dyberticulosis and had a polyp get infected and rupture through the intestine. I spent a week in the hospital, and then three weeks as an out patient. The Doctor said that it was caused by stress. Now what would I have been stressed about
I was able to return to work in July. My second week back to work I had to investigate a death a a 25 year old man that had been cutting on a tank full of ethanol. As you can imagine what happened when the flame of the torch ignited the fumes in the 25,000 gallon tank. Two weeks after that I investigated another death caused by fire. I kept asking myself why this is all happening to me.
In August I found out the my son had again been sneaking out of the house and causing problems. He had been doing it ever since he was put on probation. I had to make the decision of moving him to his Grandmothers house out of the area. Now he is mad at me for doing that and will have nothing to do with me. I can say that that since he has been gone there is a lot less stress at home. I still pray that he will get right with the Lord and get on the right path.
So as you can see I have had a rough last few months. I had walked away from the Lord during this time, though not completely, but enough where I thought I would never be able to come back to the Lord. I kept thinking to myself, why is God letting this happen to me and my family. Why is all this hitting me all at once. I finally had to admit to my self that I was trying to do all these things myself. Trying to make everything better myself. I was not asking God or letting God take my problems away. I was not giving them completely to God and having faith in him. I was not praying to him about my problems. I know that God would never give me more that I can handle. This was his wake up call to me but I kept on hitting the snooze button
Well I have finally realize that I can't do it by myself and I have been giving it to the Lord. I still have two issues at work that I have given to the Lord and ask that you pray that God's will be done and that I continue to give it all to God.
Again I apologize for not posting and walking away from this wonderful forum. I know that the power of prayer is unbelievable and I ask for your prayers in all that has happened in the last few months.
You Christian Brother,