New member
having some of that four letter word by 3:00 am falling and maybe up to 5 inches...depending on where ya live. Lot of sleet looks like that white fluffy stuff but ice pellets instead with ice on trees, streets and etc. I have two plants still in their pots in front and they are covered with ice and look like ice flowers!
Really pretty out with all the Christmas Decorations and lights that are up all ready, but glad I don't have to go to work or be out in it a slippin' and a sliden'....just too old for that kind of stuff which the kiddos love!
Right now it is 32 degrees and was close to 70's since before Thanksgiving Day! Quite a change indeed, since it has been lower than that this morning! Worse over in IL with the Metro System down, so will be a problem for the rush hour traffic tomorrow! Still freezing rain falling 
Hope all of you are doing better than we are in MO...but hear it covers a huge territory and headed for the Northeast....so winter is upon us!!!
God Bless!
Betty (Ma)
Really pretty out with all the Christmas Decorations and lights that are up all ready, but glad I don't have to go to work or be out in it a slippin' and a sliden'....just too old for that kind of stuff which the kiddos love!
Hope all of you are doing better than we are in MO...but hear it covers a huge territory and headed for the Northeast....so winter is upon us!!!

God Bless!
Betty (Ma)