New member
i just came from another forum and there was a words war on 3300 radio shack vs ace 250. i can't post on that forum but will say something here. my son wanted to get a metal detector last fall. he saw the titans and wanted one of them, the 3000 is what he wanted. i told him i would only buy him the 2000 for now and see if he stayed interested. paid $300 for the titan 2000 and when we got it i wasn't to happy with the build quality. the stem was the main thing that looked so cheap and i really didn't like it. they send so much free stuff with it, even a pinpointer, that they sell for about 100 dollars if you brought it buy itself. if they throw in a 80 to a 100 dollar pinpointer plus a bunch of other stuff with it i wonder how much the detector is really worth! can't be much. the intruction manual does say you may have to shim the batteries.(a issue on the other forum) why would 1st texas go the trouble to explain that in all the manuals. why don't they just fix the damn problem to begin with! anyway my son started detecting with it and did very good with it actually. i wanted to get in on the detecting so i ordered an ace 250 since it got alot of raves. when i got the ace i noticed right away the build quality was much better than the titan. my son took the ace from me and i got the titan. i havn't had to shim the batteries yet but i think i am going to have to. i been having trouble with them making contact. since last month i have purchased a new gti and now i have the ace. the titan is a backup. other than the battery problem with the titan it has done alright, but i would have to recommed an ace 250 for a first time machine. it has much better quality than the titan. the gti has taken my son the next level to say the least. i will never use the gti, it is to heavy. (i edited this a bunch of times to correct my grammer)