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Went to the local park during lunch yesterday. They have been cutting a walking path through an older part of the park and I have found a few wheat pennys but nothing really great. Yesterday, I was searching the cut path and got a nice steady signal on the Etrac that I thought was possibly a silver dime. It wasn't a dime but it was silver and a pretty interesting find. I pulled a silver bracelet from about 4 inches down and luckily found both parts. The necklace was engraved with the name Ellowyn Green. I thought that the name sounded like an older style name and so I did a computer search and was able to pull her obituary. It talked about how she had been born in 1933 in Hopkins County (where necklace was found) and was married at a young age. She moved to Houston then to Nebraska and finally ended up in Denver Colorado. The obituary listed her children so I immediately started searching for them in the Colorado area. Bingo !!! I located the daughter of Ellowyn Green in Brighton, Colorado and found a phone number for her and her husband. I gave them a call and her husband answered and I explained to him that I had found the necklace and would really like to return it to the family. While I was speaking to him, his wife Brenda walked in and I got to speak with her on the phone. She explained how her Mom (Ellowyne) was raised in Hopkins County but was married at 15 and moved away. At that point I new the necklace was at least 60+ years old !! I explained how I found the necklace while metal detecting and she was very excited about my find. I told her that I wanted to send the necklace to her so she could have it as a family heirloom. She was a really nice lady and it did my heart some good to be able to get the necklace back to her.