Gentlemen (or Gentlewomen,as the case may be),
I hate to ask a silly question, but then, I am a silly fellow, so I guess it will not hurt (too bad). I took my Excalibur down to the River and submerged completely for the first time, snorkling. Two problems: I had a difficult time keeping the headphones on. Had to put the headband on my forehead to keep them on. Has anyone else had this problem, or any solutions to it? Second, once submerged, I could hear very poorly. Probably nothing I can do about that.
I hate to ask a silly question, but then, I am a silly fellow, so I guess it will not hurt (too bad). I took my Excalibur down to the River and submerged completely for the first time, snorkling. Two problems: I had a difficult time keeping the headphones on. Had to put the headband on my forehead to keep them on. Has anyone else had this problem, or any solutions to it? Second, once submerged, I could hear very poorly. Probably nothing I can do about that.