sasquache said:
Thanks guys i have corded headphones i like very much but the cord gets caught on everything i guess i will have too wait until Makro figures out a better cordless set befor i go cordless
sasquache, here are two for you:
1.. When you say they are 'corded,' do you mean they have a coiled cord, or do you have a flat/straight cord?
2.. What brand and model headphone do you mainly use?
I use both White's 'Pro Star' and Killer-B 'Wasp' and 'II' models, all of which have a coiled cord. By design, they fit comfortably yet firmly so as not to easily flop around or get tugged off my head. My urban detecting is usually in renovation work or out-of-the-way places, such as in or on brushy hillside and fringe areas of older parks where snagging could occur. The bulk of my detecting is non-urban when I get away to ghost town sites [size=small](usually no structures standing)[/size], homesteads, mining or lumber camps, and all sorts of old-use sites that frequently are choked with dense, large sagebrush, old trees, or weeds or other snagable challenges. I don't have a proble4m with my coiled corded headphones.
Flat line headphones do tend to get in the way and get kneeled on, or hang up in brushy environments so tugging the headphones and jerking the cable happens. I never recommend them.
As for cordless/wireless headphones, the Makro folks were understanding enough to bring us out a set with the initial Racer release, designed to fit and function with the Racer. They work, but there is a bit of lag-time and for me the audio was a little too muffled-sounding or too bass like. It has been quite obvious since Nokta and Makro came on the scene that they care about their customers and are alert to consumers comments and reasonable wishes, so you would think that they haven't swept the wireless headphone option under the rug. I think they have just been busy with other things. Time will tell and we can all hope for something in the future,