I have Friday off & I'm driving up to Upstate NY. to look for some "Herkimer Diamonds". I have been up there before when I was younger. There's a campground & you can bring hammers to break open rocks along this cliff face to look for these crystals they call diamonds (they are not real diamonds, but cool lookin' clear crystals). These are rare, collectable double terminated crystals that are 500 million years old & only found in Herkimer, NY. & no place else in the world....that's pretty wild. The "mine" is only like 3.5 hours away from me too, & it's great for kids as all's ya do is break rocks open. If your REAL lucky & work hard enough you can hit a whole pocket of them called a "vug" as seen in the top photo. I remember finding some "diamonds" with my cousin when I was little, so hopefully I can turn up some more. It's another form of treasure hunting, so I'll be taking some pics for the forum, & maybe if I "git R dun" it seems like a great magazine story too........