Has any one used Sun ray pro gold head phones,I`m looking at buying a set to use with my 2500 and also on a mine lab gold detector which has poor volume,I`ve only just started using head phones on the Garrett and can`t believe the difference in the machine,It`s like i`ve upgraded the detector,I detect old mineing camps (1850) in fire ravageged mountains and it has been to dangerous to wear head phones because off falling branches off burnt out trees but things are settling down now and I can hunt in a bit more of a relaxed state, I find lot`s of old coins,mainly chinese,belt buckles and buttons,not much jewelry,only a few broach`s and a silver locket, My best find has been a miners pistol with a bronze barrel buried 8`` with 6 coins,lots of old cooking utensiles and tools,It`s very exciting when you come across an old leveled chimney and you are the only one to ever have been there with a metel detctor it certainly brings the youth out in you and you can get some Idea how these hard working people lived and what their status was on the gold feilds,sorry got a bit side tracked ,I was also looking at the black widow head phones made by grey ghost,some feed back would be appreciated,,Barry