Here is my latest response to all delegates. Send your opinions before it comes to a vote. Please.
Topic: Oppose HB2078, Archaeologist in COVA's Pocket, Vote NO
Dear Sir or Madam Delegate:
Please vote against bill HB2078. It is a bad bill for both relic hunters and archaeologists. This bill and the attached archaeologist position has done more harm to our combined interests than any one person could ever do.
Even if everything is removed except the archaeologist
Topic: Oppose HB2078, Archaeologist in COVA's Pocket, Vote NO
Dear Sir or Madam Delegate:
Please vote against bill HB2078. It is a bad bill for both relic hunters and archaeologists. This bill and the attached archaeologist position has done more harm to our combined interests than any one person could ever do.
Even if everything is removed except the archaeologist