The 30 hour Famine? It is a nation wide event put on by World Vision.
Mostly done by youth groups from churches. Our church has been doing it for about 12 years now. My three oldest kids are taking part in it right now. They each raised money to feed starving children in third world countries. They and others in the youth group stopped eating at noon today and will not eat again till 6 pm tomorrow. The youth pastor told the kids if they could raise $4,000 that he would shave his head.
After tonight he is bald!
The whole group raise $4,700. My daughter Shelby worked extra hard at raising money. She raised almost $1,100 on her own. 
Mostly done by youth groups from churches. Our church has been doing it for about 12 years now. My three oldest kids are taking part in it right now. They each raised money to feed starving children in third world countries. They and others in the youth group stopped eating at noon today and will not eat again till 6 pm tomorrow. The youth pastor told the kids if they could raise $4,000 that he would shave his head.
After tonight he is bald!