I've noticed something about my E-Trac that I have a question about. When I get a low conductor sound that sounds good and looks good, digitally, when I pinpoint I notice that the cursor bounces to a different line than the F 12 line. So far everything I've dug that has a low conductor sound and the cursor bounces around has been junk. The good items, gold and nickels, is when the cursor doesn't bounce while pinpointing, BUT some gold and nickels have come in on the F 11 or F 13 line. But the cursor was still a constant and not bouncing.
So, my question is, is it a smart idea not dig items when the cursor bounces around, with low conductors, or do you think I may miss something good?
HH Gary
So, my question is, is it a smart idea not dig items when the cursor bounces around, with low conductors, or do you think I may miss something good?
HH Gary