I've seen a few posts describing the operation of the Explorer II, but other than the cosmetic changes, the ferrous/conductive screen change and hearing how the cursor does a better job following the tones, I'm still looking for something to get a handle on the differences in operation. I guess the main thing I'm interesting in knowing is whether the tones are still the same. Does the quicker processor mainly help to move that cursor around the screen (not necessarily to quicken up the sounds which might not need much more "processing" and which are almost too fast for me to follow sometimes anyways). If I'm a copper/silver coin hunter and use IM -16 or close to it, does a quicker processor make a difference? Does it help with target separation? For instance, if I'm in ferrous mode and the cursor on my EX I dinosaur is plodding around the left part of the screen but the tones are high I'll probably dig it anyways. If the quicker processor mostly benefits people who use discrimation patterns then I can see how this could help finding more gold amongst the pulltabs. Thanks.