David, I'm posting the following kidney-stone info in the hope it will be helpful to you or any other reader who prefers to avoid getting a kidney-stone.
In most cases, kidney-stones aren't caused from a disease, but rather from what we choose to eat and drink.
I had several very painful kidney-stone episodes between 1981 and 1997 - but none since then ...because I changed what I eat and drink.
The stones (which are actually mineral CRYSTALS) form in the kidney when your urine is so "super-saturated" with a particular mineral that crystals "precipitate" from it inside your kidney. Some oldtimers here may remember the ancient recipe for making Rock-Candy. The molecular principle involved is the same in kidney-stone formation.
The majority of kidney stones are composed of the mineral Calcium Oxalate (an isotope which is chemically different from "plain" Calcium). In the past, we stone-sufferers were advised to strictly avoid calcium-rich foods and beverages. New science has determined that calcium actually helps PREVENT the formation of Calcium Oxalate crystals in the body. Therefore, instead of avoiding milk and cheese, etc, what we should avoid are foods and beverages that are rich in Calcium OXALATE. (Such as nuts, chocolate, strawberries, and carbonated cola drinks.
But the most important key of all is to keep your urine "diluted" by drinking plenty of plain water! Sorry to say this, but tea, coffee, gatorade, etc, do not count as WATER. ;-) Drinking a significant amount of water each day prevents minerals from crystallizing inside your kidney.
As someone else noted in this thread, the pain from kidney-stones is super-extreme. Worse, there's no letup ...it doesn't stop for even a couple of minutes. It is relentlessly continual for hours ...or days. Little ol' 129-pound me was in enough agony that I bent the the metal rails beside my emergency-room bed. This gave me sufficient motivation to be sure to drink enough water each day to keep even one more kidney-stone from happening for the rest of my life!
In closing...
There's no need to pay $2 a bottle for Evian or Polar Springs water. WalMart sells GALLON jugs of distilled water (the very purest water in existence) for only 64 cents a gallon. I drink a couple of glassfuls of it every day ...since 1997 ...and I've had no kidney-stones since then.