Best of luck to you in your treasure quest.
Treasure hunting is a wonderful hobby. It can be a funny thing, though. For instance, some of my best finds were made (stumbled upon really) while I was looking for something else. One time, I found a Civil War buckle while I was just coin shootin'. Then, another time, I found nine silver Spanish colonial coins while I was nugget shootin'. Neither were expected, but were indeed quite pleasant surprises.
I've been metal detecting/prospecting/treasure hunting for over twenty years. One thing that I have discovered is that an aspect of this hobby that is incredibly interesting and can actually be quite fun is doing reasearch. Research on different possible areas where treasure may be(such as you are inquiring). Reasearch on the best places to treasure hunt, such as, what areas do people congregate in large numbers and therefore perhaps have lost valuables such as coins, rings, etc. There are so many different types of research that can be and needs to be done in order to make good finds. Another thing that people do to research good possible hunting spots is by looking at old maps to see what used to be in an area, but is no longer there. Like, maybe an old church is on an old map, but is no longer there. Well, people used to socialize there on Sundays and quite possibly dropped old coins and such.
I can go on forever about the different types of research that can be done while treasure hunting. There are numerous books,very good books, written on this topic. "Ghost Town Treasure- Ruins, Relics and Riches" is a great book written by Charles Garret. He gives alot of great advice on treasure hunting. There's tons of good books out there, by several different authors.
Then again, back to what I mentioned at the beginning of my post, my best finds were made quite by accident, while searching for something else.
By the way, don't hesitate to ask for permission to search private property. The worst that can happen is they say no.
Again, good luck and most of all, HAVE FUN!
Happy Hunting!