New member
I've been going to maypole dance for around 35 years now off and on.I'm going this weekend to it again.It's held in the wood in the western part of Ma. in a small field on a old farmers land.It's called The Place.The farmer having no kin willed the farm to the people of The Place.The house is to be trashed and filled after he die's.The front field can't be seen from the road which is were you park your car leaving your cameras and anything that has a battery.That's rule no.1 rule no.2 is to tell no one there the place is[which is deep in the woods].We sealed a 40 trailer and put it 10 feet under ground.It's The Place to go if the world go's crazy.It's filled with every thing ower group need for about 6 months to stay alive,it's has a well dug down under the trailer, power,radios, guns, ammo,tools,seeds you name it[even a flush toilet set up]. It started out as a place for the small group of hippy to go nude, dance around the boom fire drink wine and have a orgy and dance around the pole drink wine and have a orgy.Well as the year when on and the hippys brought there kids the orgys stopped [bummer man].There's now grand-kids running around with nothing on but the flowers in there hair.Friday night starts it off with a boom-fire and the wine.Saterday we sit round eat and tell the kids about Mayday, play music and drink wine and tell how people around the world dances around the Maypole and tell storys.I'll see if I can find a clip on The tree man,but for now I'll show you the maypole dance.About halfway throw it you can see the tree man come out on the left side,he says something and go's back out of cameras eye he has stick and leaves in his hair no flowers. So look for the tree man and I'll see if I can find a good clip about the Treeman. But for now Enjoy