Couldn't stand it any longer been making excuses not roll out of bed and get up early to go out and metal detect to beat the heat.This week temps have been in high 80's today suppose to get 91.I got up and out the door by 6:30 A M.this Thursday morning, decided to hit around basket court again.Just this pass Sat. was pulling up fresh spill clad quarters. First target was right next to a previous dug plug, ground was still very wet from last two weeks of daily showers.Hm mm did I miss the item from last time. Dug the plug ran coil over plug it was in the grass plug.Hacked away dirt from plug with my nisaku soil digging knife.Something bright and shiny.Its thick and heavy some kind of ring? YEA HA!!! first find of the day and first ring with 1270 to boot.Managed to find 2 quarters,2 dimes,1 nickle,3 pennies. And then batteries went dead I had put in some 9 volts that i found around the house. I put in new batteries that my wife got me just the other day. Search tot lot real quick, and called it quits park was getting people,and park guy showed up.I don't like to detect with a lot of people. Anyhow I was back in the house by 8:13 A M. Washed up the ring and took a magnifying glass to it inside band it said BandIVlife. When on internet and found the ring they are put out by Miami Metals and make fine quality men's wedding rings in Titanium,Stainless,Ceramic,and Tungsten Carbide solid rings and rings with inlays of silver,gold etc. In ring I found it has TU in it for Tungsten Carbide Quote("TUNGSTEN CARBIDE
Tungsten carbide is a chemical compound containing tungsten and carbon. It is noted for its extreme hardness. Tungsten carbide is now being used in the jewelry industry because of its scratch-resistant properties. Tungsten carbide jewelry is permanently polished and resists scratching longer than any metal ever offered to the public. It is roughly ten times harder than 18k gold and four times harder than titanium, but not to worry, in the case of an emergency; the ring can be removed by cracking it into pieces with standard vice grip-style locking pliers") Unquote this is what site said about it.The ring I found measured a whole 1 inch in diameter on a ruler,and is a whole 1/4Th wide, and not a scratch on it. And it goes for $90 bucks on the site.Needless to say it was a great way to start this morning and day. And I can't wait to see i what i find next in this park. This park has yield two dollar coins, 1 small ring maybe silver?, 1 twenty inch sterling silver anchor chain men's neck less stamped .925, 1 bull nose bracelet and now today a tungsten wedding ring.Along with the usual clad and trash LOL. And I'm still looking to find my first silver coin,my first wheat, etc etc oh well...... Now if I could only figure how to post pictures here I would be all set.....signing off Woodchuck
Tungsten carbide is a chemical compound containing tungsten and carbon. It is noted for its extreme hardness. Tungsten carbide is now being used in the jewelry industry because of its scratch-resistant properties. Tungsten carbide jewelry is permanently polished and resists scratching longer than any metal ever offered to the public. It is roughly ten times harder than 18k gold and four times harder than titanium, but not to worry, in the case of an emergency; the ring can be removed by cracking it into pieces with standard vice grip-style locking pliers") Unquote this is what site said about it.The ring I found measured a whole 1 inch in diameter on a ruler,and is a whole 1/4Th wide, and not a scratch on it. And it goes for $90 bucks on the site.Needless to say it was a great way to start this morning and day. And I can't wait to see i what i find next in this park. This park has yield two dollar coins, 1 small ring maybe silver?, 1 twenty inch sterling silver anchor chain men's neck less stamped .925, 1 bull nose bracelet and now today a tungsten wedding ring.Along with the usual clad and trash LOL. And I'm still looking to find my first silver coin,my first wheat, etc etc oh well...... Now if I could only figure how to post pictures here I would be all set.....signing off Woodchuck