I've hunted around our old farm house since the early 60's with about every type of detector, from home built to several Heathkits, Garrett's and others but usually gave up after digging all kinds of junk...the original kitchen was part of a log house built in about 1839. Yes, I did find a few coins but very few. Every where I search looks like a mine field. Well this morning I spent about 30 minutes with my new X-70, which I'm just learning how to use, and found two Penny's and a dime....nothing valuable to most but the best find I've made there in years and in tall weeds and grass....now when my sister has it mowed I'll go back and really give it a shot. There are only the farm house, laundry and one open work building still standing, however at one time there was a large barn and corn crib and 12 chicken houses. So there is a lot of areas to search. Charles