You must get a long handled scoop to be successful in the surf. In my experience you will find heavier, more valuable targets out in ankle to chest deep water. These areas also receive much less pressure, as you must be dedicated for the pounding that you will receive out there. Scan slow & wide & overlap your sweeps and take your time and listen for the Excal's melodious tunes. Success will be yours. Keep us posted. I can't wait to see what you find! Don't bother buying an aluminum 1, because when you break it in half, you'll be down till your replacement comes in and you will not be happy. Buy a stainless, because you will be putting enormous pressure on it out there. Kinda wiggle it after it is sunk to break it loose from the bottom. You may have to put some galvanized wire into the bottom to keep small targets from falling through. Good Luck!