Every year I dress up as some sort of character for Halloween. This year I decided to go scary and see if I could load a few pants as well as goody bags. I was successful ! I had several kids take one look and run back to the side walk and the safety of Mom and Dad. The parents were laughing as the kid was cutting off the blood supply to one of their lower legs. Even made a few cry but was able to make up after a few minutes so I could drop candy in their halloween sack, usually at arms length. Had a great time though. This year we had about 200 which was about a 100 less than last year. Our computer is near the front door so I was playing some scary halloween stuff off of you tube with the windows open. I darkened the front living room and then took 4 tactical flashlights, put them on strobe and aimed them at the front door from the inside looking out. When you opened the door the 4 strobes would hit them in the face then I'd step out and bellow a loud, Vincent Price type laugh. The reaction was usually priceless, even from some of the older kids. Any how, here are a few pics of what it was like here in the Sunshine state !!
[attachment 247924 halloween5.jpg] Penny would help out by letting me know that someone was at the door !!
[attachment 247924 halloween5.jpg] Penny would help out by letting me know that someone was at the door !!