Yeah I've watched a few and been in a few but not as my job.
Got one of my many wild tornado stories to tell. Back many years ago when I was working for Standard Oil on one of their big tow boats on the Mississippi River system we were stopped at the bridge at Hannibal, Missouri waiting for the bridge tender to finish opening the bridge so we could pass on upriver. We were pushing over a quarter of a mile of barges loaded to the gills with 100 octane aviation fuel. About 50 yards behind us was another boat equally loaded.
Al of a sudden up pops a tornado on the side of the river opposite to Hannibal. THings got real nasty and lightning was striking everywhere, in the trees on the side of the river, in Hannibal, hitting houses, trees, buildings downtown, and there we were trapped right in the path of this juggernaught and no where to go or hide.
Sitting on the bridge in traffic was an gasoline tanker and we watched in utter awe as the monumentally stupid bridge tender closes the bridge to let this tanker across. Never once did it dawn on this moron that sitting below him was enough high octane gas to blow that part of Illinois and Missouri off the map.
WE were all out on deck watching this horror transpire as the tornado appeared roaring through the trees and across the river right between the two boats, sucking up half the river with it, then rampaging through the town of Hannibal laying waste to a large part of it. We were all frozen in our tracks expecting any minute for lightning or the tornado to get us and remove a large piece of real estate from the map. That was one lucky day for a whole lot of people. I still remember it like it happened yesterday.