..it was of my lower extremities-CREEPY LOOKING!-looked like something from Halloween.Anyway;he said except for a little arthur-itis here and there;I was ok-AND;those fractures in my right hoof lit up like a neon sign...the guy that ran the test said"THATS WHAT WE'RE LOOKIN FOR!!"Actually,the test wasnt bad at all-The stuff they injected me with;THAT was another story-It gave me a TERRIBLE sick headache;and I had to stay home from work last nite....When I finally got to sleep last night,it was just like a coma-Ironically;it was the best sleep I have had in a long time;because of my hoof throbbing..Now,I am gettin around with one of my crutches;seems to take a lot of the pain away from my foot.I got to see the Dr.on the 16th;he told me on the last visit if he doesnt like what he sees on that visit;he is puttin me out of work for 3-4 weeks.Lets see:3-4 weeks off;gettin pay for it-Whats that Dr's number??My foot hurts again...