but used it only a few times, always grabbed the Cortes. This week did some air testing with the Golden then took it to a city park that is loaded with shallow trash, wanted to see how well it can detect coins that are beneath the trash with 8x9 coil. The detector did great. I didn't dig every signal, was getting about 3-5 signals per sweep. But when I heard a high tone mixed with other tones I zeroed in on the high tone with very short sweeps and dug. Sure enough, got 4 wheats, memorials, and a few clad dimes. Several times I found nothing in the hole, maybe was a multi tone signal from the trash? Then I found a clean area that was free of signals, dug a 7" deep hole and buried a clad dime, my new Lesche tool has a 7" blade. Got a good high tone from all directions on that dime. Buried an IH penny at 6" got mixed tones. Buried a Merc dime at 7", got no signal, reburied the Merc at 5", got a good signal, raised the coil another inch higher still got a signal. Switching over to All Metal with Treshold barely heard, I was able to determine the depth of the coin, a very weak signal meant the coin was about 6" deep, that method was done only when coins were not surrounded by trash. So the depth seems to be decent, but the 4 tones make this detector special. It's been collecting dust for a year but now I know what it really can do, will be using it this summer.