Mick in Dubbo
New member
I rang up the Aussie Garrett importer yesterday to get more info on the International over the AT Pro ( I much prefer where the high tone comes in on the AT Pro). Anyway, to cut to the chase; he put an Aussie 10c piece over the coil, which hits in pull tab range (and gives a high tone on the International) Then he put a $1 coin over the coil, which hits in the same notch as a zinc penny. He had it in pro mode. What really struck the both of us, was that despite the fact that these coins are almost exactly the same diameter and both were giving the high tone, their tones were noticeably different. The 10c piece gave a fairly sharp hard tone while the $1 coin gave a smoother tone with the edges of the tones more rounded. Cool. I'd be interested to know of your experiences with hearing the variations with the tones on different targets that hit on the same or similar notches.
Mick Evans.
Mick Evans.