Despite a brisk breeze the big lake was pretty calm today . The depositors were bleak and so was the loot. I hunted the water deep today, chest to neck deep most of the time. Found one penny in just over an hour and a half. I decided to hunt more shallow, wasn't finding anything anyways so what could it hurt. Waded around in about knee deep water for about 20 minutes and got a solid 80 hit on the AT-Pro. Shaking the second scoop I heard that sweet clunk of something other than a coin in the scoop. Nice silver and CZ ring. Looked pretty but from the tone and numbers I knew it was not gold and thus not no nitro needed. About 10 minutes after that I hit a pocket spill of 97 cents. I called it a day. On the way to the ol' treasure wagon I swung lazily and found 2 more pennies...that made it an even buck in clad for the day.