The new E-trac made it here yesterday and I had to work last night however, I did put in some fresh AA's and headed to the front yard to get a few minutes of use to see how it compared with my GTI 2500. I was a little embarrased to say the least. In less than 5 minutes I dug 2 clad quarters. I have not ran the 2500 in my yard in several years but it was a surprise. I am ready to get out and use it in some areas with possible old coins and see how I do. I did notice I was very accurate with the pin point and did not notice much difference in how the pinpoint works on either machine except you can push the pinpoint once on the E-trac and you hold the 2500 down. I really like the 2500 and I think I am going to enjoy this E-trac as well. I recieved Andy's book with my purchase and it is very impressive to say the least, if any Explorer or E-Trac users don't have it I would order it today.
B.Cooper, Missouri
B.Cooper, Missouri