It snowed for most of the day yesterday, and being that I had today off, I figured it was a good opportunity to get winterized today. I grabbed my GTI 2500 with the sniper coil & headed out to a new spot in the woods. My first bell-tone was 1963 nickel. Not too old, however a nice sign that some silver could be lurking around.

After popping up a few more coins, I got a loud bell-tone signal, and pulled out this cool child's toy kettle. I wonder if perhaps a little girl lost it while playing with it in the woods, perhaps on a family picnic.

Now this find was a real treat. I got a soft signal at the base of an old popular tree on a hillside. It costs you nothing to see what an unknown target is, so I dug my relic shovel deep and pulled out a large piece of circular broken glass. No metal in view yet, I ran the coil over the glass and there was still a signal. I separated a clump of dirt from the glass and there it was....some beautiful silver leafing from the glass, perfectly embedded on the black clump of dirt. My guess is that the glass was part of a chandelier which was tossed away after it broke.

Here's a close up of that silver leafing. I was amazed at all the intricate detail on the flowers, stems and leaves. It seems to have a Victorian style to it.

After a little over 2 hours worth of detecting, it was getting cold and dark. I headed back to my car and called it a day. Here's the totals from the day.

One of the many trails I discovered in this area. This just might have some nice potential for some silver coins....however, that will be saved for another day.