I went surf hunting last night with my good buddy. I took the Excal and he brought his GTI 2500 with imaging coil. The Excal worked great (no surprise) but the GTI 2500 was awful. It's a brand new coil that he had to have replaced from the last time he took it in the water and the coil leaked and stopped working. He was of the impression that you could use the coil in the water as it is supposed to be waterproof.
The new coil kept falsing even with the salt discrimination feature turned on and later it had trouble picking up targets even in the dry sand.
Is this machine just not meant for the beach or do you think he's got a bum coil?
The new coil kept falsing even with the salt discrimination feature turned on and later it had trouble picking up targets even in the dry sand.
Is this machine just not meant for the beach or do you think he's got a bum coil?