Greetings to all,
There are a few thing to keep in mind regarding detection depth, there are a lot of factors that enter into how deep a target can be detected. Ground mineralization is the big one but ground moisture, electromagnetic radiation in the hunting area, sweep speed as well as the operators detector set up can all impact the detection depth. Remember that even a metal detector with ground balancing or ground tracking will NOT detect a target in highly mineralized ground as deep as it will in low mineralized ground. The ground balance or ground tracking will reduce or eliminate ground signal noise so the targets you hear will be real targets but they will not be detected as deep as in ground that has very little mineralization.
If someone claims that they are finding silver dimes at 10+ inches and you can't duplicate it in your test garden, your test garden might be more mineralized than where he found the silver dime. Most of us do not carry a tape measure around with us to measure how deep a target was found. We might use our trowel to get an idea but most of the time we don't even do that. After all we are out there to find the good stuff and not measure the depth of the holes we dig. Most statements concerning target depth are somewhat subjective so I don't put a whole lot of stock in them.
Also remember the detection depth is from the bottom of the coil to the target. If you are working an area that has 2" of thick grass on it and you are sweeping your coil so it brushes the top of the grass and the coin you found was say 8" under the ground you detected that coin 10" below your coil.
Just for a reference, In the club that I belong to, I have hunted right along side of Minelab Explorers, SEs, and SE Pros and compared targets with the GTP 1350 and so far every target that they detected the GTP 1350 would detect. I will admit that some times I did have had to change my sensitivity setting and the discrimination to be able to hear a few but if I had been hunting with those settings I would have heard the target as well as the Minelab user. I do believe the stock 11" DD coil on the Minelabs do have a little edge over the stock GTP 1350 coil in mineralized ground. Will the Minelab detectors mentioned detect deeper than the GTP 1350 under certain conditions? Well, I would probably say yes, but remember you are comparing a top of the line detector to a mid range detector. The Minelab machines cost almost twice as much money. The GTP 1350 is not the best detector in the world but as has been said, if you are a coin, jewelry or relic hunter, I still think it is one of the best mid range detectors on the market, feature wise and performance wise, for the money.
Someone said that they didn't feel like the GTP 1350 was really good for deep silver coins. Someone didn't tell my detector that because I have a really nice size bag of old silver coins that I have found with the GTP 1350 as well as a nice jewelry box full of gold and silver jewelry that the 1350 was able to locate for me.
PS: I own 3 Garrett, 2 Minelab, 2 White, 1 Tesoro, and 1 Detector Pro Head Hunter detectors.
HH and God Bless!!
Smitty II