Pretty much the same line of thinking as before here - it aint designed as a nugget getter. It will find all metals, true... and will likely drive you nuts with every bit of iron within 5 ft, while you're at it.
Being that its a pulse unit, it will also very likely not be sensitive to those tiny grains. Being as its designed for the water's edge/underwater environment, it's also quite loud and not well suited for the razor edged threshold needed in nugget hunting. Sure it will go deep on a salt beach, but it will drive you nuts anywhere else, I should think - and not do a good job on small gold nuggets. Lets face a fact: Most gold found with a detector is small.
Sure, you see the pics of whopper nuggets and dream thats only what youre gonna find, right? Hey, wake up!!! Youre dreaming!
Not to mention that free gold is often found under extreme conditions and in trash infested locales that would drive a PI unit bonkers - not to mention the user.
While it is surely fun to get guys like me worked up - and obligingly chatty on the subject - one has to wonder:
"Why don't you just get a nugget detector?
There is a well used Garret Gold Stinger, a Diablo, a Lobo AND a White's on ebay right now. Both the SGS and the Lobo can also do GP duty for you as coin shooters and such; as I recall that was one of your criteria. In fact, the Lobo is a favorite in England, where detecting can be tough - and plenty of loot is found with it.
Would you attempt to do surgery with a pipe wrench? Of course not, you'd get the right tool for the job, a scalpel. Same here - nuggetshooting is a higly specialized pursuit and to be successful at it you need the right tools.