I went to a old city park clear across town with my trusty GT today. I was only finding pennies and the usual trash targets. A lot of the usual trash. Now I know this goes against the rules of professional MDing but I decided to crank the ol' discrimination all the way up and hunt in that mode for awhile. Just to see what would happen.
Heres what I found:
1st-A small silver heart.
2nd-A 1955 Dime.(In good condition I might add.)
3rd-A small silver ring.
4th-A wheat back penny.
5th-Another wheat back penny. (Both also from the 50's.)
Thanks to the pounding this park gets from other detectorist I found less then a bucks worth of clad while I was there.
Heres what I found:
1st-A small silver heart.
2nd-A 1955 Dime.(In good condition I might add.)
3rd-A small silver ring.
4th-A wheat back penny.
5th-Another wheat back penny. (Both also from the 50's.)
Thanks to the pounding this park gets from other detectorist I found less then a bucks worth of clad while I was there.