What you're hearing is normal. A "pure" high or low tone is only heard when you are adjusted significantly away from the ground balance point. You can check this manually by adjusting the ground balance via the +/- buttons to an extreme away from the GB point. i.e. if the GB point is 20, then adjust it to 90 while bobbing the coil and listening. The tone should get louder and purer.
The best GB is achieved when there is a perfect mix of high & low tones AND the volume of the tones is the SOFTEST. The object of the game is to get a barely hear-able(volume) mixed tone. You can cross check your "manual" skills by Auto-GB'ing and/or letting her AutoTrack in. The milder your soil, may lead to a broader range of adjustment being a mixed tone, but not to worry, as that means the GB point is not as critical either.
As an example of the opposite case, there are places where I swear I spend ten minutes trying to GB my Fisher CZ's because just breathing on the GB knob causes a dramatic response. And I've been at this for 35+ years having started with TR's, so I know how to GB. In these same locations the wide GB resolution of the X70 makes it easy to do manually, but the Auto Tracking makes it just stupid easy.
So with the CZs(which I really like by the way).
1. Get out of the car.
2. Turn CZ on and crank volume to full.
3. Turn battery check on.
4. Turn battery check off and sensitivity to full to get a threshold.
5. Listen to see if there's any electrical interference, if there is
, start walking till it quiets down.
6. Now find a target free area to GB over.
7. If mineralization is high, fiddle with the GB knob moving it the width of a hair at a time to get a GB.
8. Fiddle with the GB knob some more to get a slightly positive GB point. "Did I go to far?" Dang it!
9 Start fiddling with the GB knob some more.....................
1. Get out of the car.
2. Turn X70 on and glance at the battery gauge.
3. Hold X70 waist high & turn on Auto Noise Cancel.
4. Turn Auto Ground Tracking on and start hunting.