I may have become a bit lazy in my explanation of GB settings in relation to mineralization. BarnacleBill has an excellent post explaining it, in our FAQFAQ section. But briefly stated, "the ground phase reading ....has nothing to do with how mineralized the ground is. It is an indication of the type of ground, magnetic, conductive, or a combination of the two." Fortunately, the X-Terra is designed to "handle" both types! Regardless of the verbage, I'll still stick by my theory of 28 or less gets my DD. And 29 or higher gets a concentric.
Here is the link to another excellent post made by BarnacleBill, explaining how to measure the ground mineralization with the X-70.
My suggestion would be to put your detector in tracking, and check the ground phase reading every few steps. Let us know what those numbers are (as well as your sensitivity setting) and the actual ground mineralization readings you get using BarnacleBill's post from the link I attached. With all that information, we should get some good ideas as to what is causing the problems you have had with the 3 kHz.
Sorry if I've caused any confusion with my GB terminology. HH Randy