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I have very little electronic experience. But I have tinkered for years & have a decent multi meter & soldering tools.
I have a Silver that works well for me-very light & I have a good coil selection started. Problem is here in Oregon we have a ton of hot rocks & I have to watch pushing the internal GB adjustment too far or I will start falsing when I hit a patch of rocks. There is only 1 pot inside the Silver & it is a tiny thing. Very sensitive to adjustments. Mark it with a fine marker before you change the factory setting so you can go back is my advice if you want to make an internal adjustment.
The Pot from the factory-it ranges 0 to 190k+ ohms. When I tested my factory setting it was approx 38K ohms.So you can see how it is easy to make too large an adjustment.
After reading about the Tesoro Cibola GB mod in this PDF I thought I'd see if it could be done on a Silver.
Here's the very well done PDF
Thanks for that helpful how to!
OK-where to get the needed 50k pot as suggested?...I'm on a partial disability & money is tight. But I did have a useless "Famous Trails' detector I had bought at Big 5. It was truly useless under any conditions & I would have felt bad selling it off.So I tore it apart. Lotsa knobs & waddya know-2 of the 50K pots I needed.Joy!.
So I de-soldered the donor & tested which terminals & set it at 38K like the old one. I soldered in the wires as best I can. I'm kinda shaky on the small stuff nowadays. But I got it done reasonably well. Then I carefully de-soldered the internal factory pot. I determined the 2 connections on the bottom of the old pot were where the connection needed to go. Its just 2 wires. But in this case the old pot terminals had to be used. in the PDF file he uses some spare lugs on the circuit board. I did not see any spares here so off the old one went & the new wires-connected to the new 50K pot were soldered on.
I chose the lower right hole to mount it. I frankly wish I had chosen an upper hole as it is easy to bump now. But it is easy to re-adjust so no bigee.I also used some painters tape to keep the wires from touching as it was close.
As you can see I've marked my faceplate for various disc "out" settings. This helps me to do some ID as I go along & of course for trashy areas.
Hope Y'all understand my warranty is long voided now. And I frankly was taking a chance with a used POT from a POS detector-but in this case it worked GREAT!.
I set it to all metal & bob the coil up & down. I then adjust till I get noise & then back off a hair.
I have a Silver that works well for me-very light & I have a good coil selection started. Problem is here in Oregon we have a ton of hot rocks & I have to watch pushing the internal GB adjustment too far or I will start falsing when I hit a patch of rocks. There is only 1 pot inside the Silver & it is a tiny thing. Very sensitive to adjustments. Mark it with a fine marker before you change the factory setting so you can go back is my advice if you want to make an internal adjustment.
The Pot from the factory-it ranges 0 to 190k+ ohms. When I tested my factory setting it was approx 38K ohms.So you can see how it is easy to make too large an adjustment.
After reading about the Tesoro Cibola GB mod in this PDF I thought I'd see if it could be done on a Silver.
Here's the very well done PDF
Thanks for that helpful how to!
OK-where to get the needed 50k pot as suggested?...I'm on a partial disability & money is tight. But I did have a useless "Famous Trails' detector I had bought at Big 5. It was truly useless under any conditions & I would have felt bad selling it off.So I tore it apart. Lotsa knobs & waddya know-2 of the 50K pots I needed.Joy!.
So I de-soldered the donor & tested which terminals & set it at 38K like the old one. I soldered in the wires as best I can. I'm kinda shaky on the small stuff nowadays. But I got it done reasonably well. Then I carefully de-soldered the internal factory pot. I determined the 2 connections on the bottom of the old pot were where the connection needed to go. Its just 2 wires. But in this case the old pot terminals had to be used. in the PDF file he uses some spare lugs on the circuit board. I did not see any spares here so off the old one went & the new wires-connected to the new 50K pot were soldered on.
I chose the lower right hole to mount it. I frankly wish I had chosen an upper hole as it is easy to bump now. But it is easy to re-adjust so no bigee.I also used some painters tape to keep the wires from touching as it was close.
As you can see I've marked my faceplate for various disc "out" settings. This helps me to do some ID as I go along & of course for trashy areas.
Hope Y'all understand my warranty is long voided now. And I frankly was taking a chance with a used POT from a POS detector-but in this case it worked GREAT!.
I set it to all metal & bob the coil up & down. I then adjust till I get noise & then back off a hair.