New member
each year is a mighty blessing to have in this body, with my soul well until the day and hour I leave to meet Jesus in the air when He calls the saints to arise and come up unto Him! Oh, what a day, a glorious day that will be! In the meantime, may I spread the good news of Jesus' Gospel to those who are willing to hear or read and receive His everlasting life giving words! And may they see the light of His love shining through my eyes and reflected from my blood-washed soul!
Too windy today to work outside, March is going out like a lion, so I'm trying to get some things done inside while resting me poor ole aching muscles and bones! Oooooh me!
Have a beautiful day in the Lord, brothers and sisters,and God Bless you everyone!
Too windy today to work outside, March is going out like a lion, so I'm trying to get some things done inside while resting me poor ole aching muscles and bones! Oooooh me!
Have a beautiful day in the Lord, brothers and sisters,and God Bless you everyone!